Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Book Review- Sleepwalking in Daylight

I just finished reading Sleepwalking in Daylight by Elizabeth Flock.

From the back cover:

Once defined by her career and independence, stay-at-home mom Samantha Friedman finds that her days have been reduced to errands, car pools and suburban gossip. What was an easy decision for Sam years ago has become a nagging awareness that this life was her choice. Now she deals with a husband who shows up for dinner but is too preoccupied for conversation, and a daughter swathed in black clothing and Goth makeup who won't talk at all.

Believing she's an adopted mistake, seventeen-year-old Cammy has fallen into sex and drugs and pours herself into a journal filled with poetry and pain. On parallel paths, mother and daughter indulge in desperate, furtive escapism--for Sam, a heady affair with her supposed soul mate, fueled by clandestine coffee dates and the desire to feel something; for Cammy, a secretive search for her birth mother punctuated by pills, pot and the need to feel absolutely nothing.

Elizabeth Flock tells an engaging tale about a mother/wife, Sam, and her teenage daughter, Cammy. The story is written almost as if its in a journal form. We learn all about how Sam is unhappy in her marriage and is struggling to get along with her teenage daughter. We also learn all about Cammy's teenage-angst feelings towards her adopted family and life in general. And at the end, something surprising happens that changes the family's life forever.

When I first saw this cover I thought, "How beautiful". But the book inside was very dark. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this book. It is told in a very frank and forward way and if a reader is easily offended, I wouldn't reccommend this book. But although it was dark, I felt like I could really identify with the characters. When I was reading the chapters from Cammy's point of view, I was remembering how I felt like I never belonged when I was a teenager (although I never acted out like she did). And when I read the chapters from Sam's point of view, I found myself hoping that my marriage wouldn't turn out like that. This book really engaged me and I couldn't put it down.

I gave this book a rating of 4/5.

This book fullfills items in the following challenges:
Chick-Lit Challenge: 7

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