Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Fill-in- May 1, 2009

1. The first rule of working in an office and getting along is I don't know...I work in a classroom!
2. My dad makes the best dip with clams.
3. When I think of carnivals I think of deep fried oreos..YUM!
4. Purple roses are my favorite spring flower.
5. Things on my desk include books, laptop, tape, notebooks, and a bunch of other junk.
6. Seeing the previews makes me wanna watch So You Think You Can Dance right now!!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to see Wicked with my parents, boyfriend and best friend, tomorrow my plans include going to dinner with them for an early Mother's Day and Sunday, I want to go ride go-karts with Kory!


  1. Oooh Wicked! How fun! That looks like a great show and what a nice gift for Mother's Day. Fried Oreos? I've heard they were good but I've never even seen one. I like the Double Stuff with a big glass of milk!

  2. Sounds like an AWESOME weekend! Great list!
