Friday, May 1, 2009

Food 4 Thought Friday- May 1, 2009

If you owned a CB radio what would your "handle" be? Probably Purplg8r...thats my name for everything
Lunch What are you looking forward to this weekend? Seeing Wicked with my parents, best friend and boyfriend!
Dinner If you could snap your fingers and appear somewhere else, where would you be? ohh...toughie! How about a cruise to the Greek Isles??
Midnight Snack
What magazine(s) do you subscribe to? None!! I have too many books to read! But sometimes I will buy Shape or Cosmo at the store
Recipe of the Week (instead of your recipe for life what is it just for the week?) Even if you are on campus, your students will probably misbehave when there is a sub in the room

1 comment:

  1. This is a fun meme. I've seen it a few times and it helps you share neat things. A cruise sounds amazing!
